Lumen Vera, first foreigner in basketball Santiago; He played as a native – Momento Deportivo RD

1645823534 Lumen Vera first foreigner in basketball Santiago He played as

Lumen Vera Colón/ External Source. By Tuto Tavarez The first foreigner who played in the Superior Basketball of Santiago, was not reinforcement. * At the end of the 1970s, the Puerto Rican Lumen Vera Colón enrolled at the Madre y Maestra Catholic University, which was not yet Pontifical. * One afternoon, the medical student was … Read more

Oribe Peralta: “The Mexican player is not allowed to make mistakes, while the foreigner is”

Oribe Peralta The Mexican player is not allowed to make

Peralta spoke with ESPN Digital about the few opportunities national players have in Liga MX. After the experience accumulated in a 19-year career in Mexican soccer, Oribe Peralta mentioned in an interview for ESPN, that the Mexican footballer needs the opportunity to make mistakes in order to exploit his potential in national football, something that … Read more

Foreigner decides to leave Communications

Foreigner decides to leave Communications

The roster of players from Communications I was practically already complete to face the Opening Tournament 2021, this after having done your hiring and publicize their casualties, but this Thursday it was surprised by the decision what the Uruguayan striker took Nicolas Royón that leaned for another soccer destiny. Royon made known to the Board … Read more