Brahim has mirrors

Brahim has mirrors

Yes, you can kick the door of Madrid. In fact, recent history shows that kicking is even more efficient than politely calling. Explode with such remarkable performance, that the astonishment of the club reopens the accesses. That’s what Brahim is trying… and he’s on the right track. This summer he will end his loan for … Read more

Florian Thauvin, did you sell ‘mirrors’ to the Tigres?

Florian Thauvin did you sell mirrors to the Tigres

There are five versions of Florian Thauvin fluttering. All inaccurate, but none disposable or disposable. In the uncomfortable armchair of anxiety and uncertainty, Mexican soccer awaits with its flattering tongues and sharp claws as needed. Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, and National Geographic, all in one place. It is now available. Subscribe NOW. Florian Tristan … Read more