The five NFL broadcast channels for the 2021 season

The NFL finally started. It took more than six long months, but finally the 2021 season of soccer in the United States began with the agonizing victory of Tampa Bay over Dallas and the duels that have already ended on this Sunday, among which the victory of San Francisco over Detroit and the triumph of Arizona against Tennessee, to cite just a few results.

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Before the show that means the NFL in Mexico, the fans (who are increasingly in the interior of the country), wonder about the transmission channels that this sport will have in order to know the different alternatives that the different media they will have not only in the regular season, but in the postseason and in the decisive game to be played next February.

That said, the main surprise that is Azteca Deportes and its NFL Ritual, for the second consecutive year, it will not be from the initial game of the transmissions. With that, Enrique Garay and coach Castillo will only appear until Super Bowl LVI, same in which TV Azteca will have participation as it happened a season ago in which they achieved an interesting audience level.

With Aztec Sports away for much of the season, TUDN and channel 9 stand as the favorite alternative for fans within open television, understanding, in addition, that Antonio de Valdés, Enrique Burak and Pepe Segarra they are commentators spoiled within the sports field. In addition, Televisa will have a format called NFL Blitz, which debuted last season and in which a summary of the most important plays of each game is made.

Finally, the alternatives for restricted television (which are increasingly taking center stage), also hope to give something to talk about this season. Here, the fan favorites are Fox Sports and ESPN, although these may also have options such as the Affizzados and the NFL Network, which has also gained interesting audience levels in recent years.

Broadcast channels for the NFL:

  • TUDN (Channel 9)
  • Fox Sports and Fox Sports 2
  • ESPN
  • Afizzados
  • NFL Network