Granma signs the comeback and retains the crown of Cuban baseball

The left-handed Leandro Martínez “dizzy” the Matanzas artillery and gave Granma its fourth crown in six years, after concluding the final game of the 61 National Baseball Series with a score of 4-0.

The Alazanes completed the comeback (on Tuesday they had won 3×1) supported by the slow deliveries of Martínez, whom the only one who seemed to see the ball was shortstop Erisbel Arruebarrenawith three hits in the game.

Meanwhile, the homeowners’ offense stepped on the plate in the same opening inning against starter Yamichel Pérez, and repeated the dose in the fourth episode through a home run by Guillermo Avilés.

Two innings later came the runs that ended up being nails to the visiting an inning where William Luis’s poor defensive work weighed heavily in fielding Osvaldo Abreu’s fly ball, and the dubious decision of ‘safe’ on a play at home plate where the umpire understood that the catcher had taken his foot out before being in possession of the ball.

At the height of the eighth, Martínez was succeeded in the box by César García, who suffocated the attempt at rebellion by the Westerners, who for the first time in the match managed to place a couple of men on the circuit.

The Granma troop had previously won the titles of the 2017, 2018 and 2021 seasonsthe latter also at the expense of the Yumurine Crocodiles.

With this victory, the mentor Carlos Martí becomes four-time champion of the domestic contest and thus ties his counterparts Ramón Carneado (Industrial) and Higinio Vélez (Santiago de Cuba), for a solitary trophy from the historical leader in the department, Jorge Fuentes (Vegueros /Pinewood of the river).

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