New statements about the end of Big E’s reign on WWE Day 1

After the defeat of Big E in WWE Day 1, quite a few sports entities have given their opinion about the way it all happened, stating that the company gave the superstar a bad search.

Quite a few superstars and staff opine that Big E was not well used in his reign

At the last big event WWE Day 1 we could see how Big E’s reign ended at the hands of the beast incarnate Brock Lesnar, after the fight it was well known that the former champion was very disappointed and apparently Disappointment with the result was felt not only by the wrestler but by quite a few people in WWE.

As reported by the portal many within WWE weren’t surprised by how Big E’s reign as champion ended, believe the company failed to make him a dominant champion despite having defeated Bobby Lashley months ago, this was what the aforementioned portal reported.

“When we asked behind the scenes about

reactions to the headline change, the majority

felt that Big E was not programmed in a way

consistent during his reign as champion,

and that various people involved in its

history would go further to make sense of the

things on the screen to give the best of your


After not having emerged victorious in the fatal 4 corner from Monday Night Raw to face Brock Lesnar at the event Royal rumble Big E’s opportunities may have been exhausted, it is very unfortunate how his reign ended considering the potential that this one has.

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New statements about the end of Big E’s reign on WWE Day 1