Agenda of the Olympic Games, day 6: Pignatiello’s revenge and key duels for basketball, the Lions and the Lionesses

Agenda of the Olympic Games day 6 Pignatiellos revenge and

Varied Argentine presence on Day 6 of the competition In a new day of competition at the Tokyo Olympic Games, there is action for the members of the Argentine delegation in different competitions. Team sports get the most attention, since a critical stage was entered in order to get tickets to the next round. Everything … Read more

San Isidro pending: two key games – DiarioSports – San Francisco

1625313800 San Isidro pending two key games DiarioSports San

This afternoon, in Rosario and in Salta, two games of vital importance for San Isidro will be playing. The fight for the last two spots heading into the playoffs enters its definition stage. The Falcons must win tomorrow at Villa MarĂ­a. The eighth and ninth of the Northern Conference are playing today. Two games that … Read more