Cooperstown recibió a sus nuevos inmortales

Completada ceremonia exaltación del Salón de la Fama 2021 n”,”providerName”:”Twitter”,”providerUrl”:””,”type”:”rich”,”width”:550,”__typename”:”ExternalEmbedContent”},”$ROOT_QUERY.getForgeContentBySlug({“locale”:”es-us”,”slug”:”completada-ceremonia-exaltacion-del-salon-de-la-fama-2021″,”type”:”story”}).parts.4″:{“data”:{“type”:”id”,”generated”:true,”id”:”$ROOT_QUERY.getForgeContentBySlug({“locale”:”es-us”,”slug”:”completada-ceremonia-exaltacion-del-salon-de-la-fama-2021″,”type”:”story”})”,”typename”:”ExternalEmbedContent”},”type”:”oembed”,”__typename”:”ExternalEmbed”},”$ROOT_QUERY.getForgeContentBySlug({“locale”:”es-us”,”slug”:”completada-ceremonia-exaltacion-del-salon-de-la-fama-2021″,”type”:”story”}).parts.5″:{“content”:” nn nnWalker, por su parte, pasó el máximo de 10 años en la boleta de la Asociación de Escritores de Béisbol de Estados Unidos (BBWAA) antes de finalmente recibir el llamado al Salón, mientras que Simmons fue seleccionado por Comité de la Era Moderna del … Read more

Larry Walker’s love for SpongeBob is immortalized in Cooperstown

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Larry Walker, the former all-star slugger for the Colorado Rockies and the Montreal Expos, was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame on Wednesday. He was one of the best hitters in baseball at the time, and the 54-year-old set the internet on fire (again) during the exaltation ceremony thanks to the man who lives … Read more

How a simple twist of fate could have sent these five players to Cooperstown

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p> On September 8, the Baseball Hall of Fame will hold its first exaltation ceremony in more than two years with a scaled-down midweek event in Cooperstown, New York. In addition to sports work pioneer Marvin Miller, three former players will join the ranks of the immortals: Derek Jeter, Ted Simmons and Larry Walker. Among … Read more

Cooperstown will install new members open to the public in its entirety

Cooperstown will install new members open to the public in

After state authorities lifted restrictions imposed by the coronavirus pandemic, the Baseball Hall of Fame decided that the September 8 ceremony to install its new members will return to its traditional model and will not require a ticket to people entering the green space of the Clark Sports Complex in Cooperstown, New York. This year’s … Read more