This was the shocking reception of the Argentine public for Messi after the whistles at PSG

The captain of the national team was applauded by the fans before the game with Venezuela

The last time Leo Messi had jumped onto a pitch had been on Sunday, April 13, when the Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) thrashed Bordeaux 3-0. That day, the followers of the French team unloaded their anger against Neymar, Mauricio Pochettino and The fleadue to the elimination they had suffered in the Champions League before him Real Madrid. This Friday the frame in The Bombonera was the complete opposite of Princes Park.

the captain of the Selection was the first cheered by the Argentine public that filled the stadium with Boca Juniors for him duel before Venezuelathe last in national territory for the playoffs. From the stands there were applause and chants for the Ten when he went out to warm up.

the already traditional “That from the hand of Leo Messi we are all going to turn around” It was one of the themes chosen by the fans who showed their love for the idol from the first moment that the 34-year-old from Rosario stepped onto the grass of the playing field. In addition, when the voice of the stadium named him in the formation, the public exploded by chanting his last name.

People sang for Lionel Messi in La Bombonera (Reuters)

It is evident that the relationship between the Argentine fans and the followers of the PSG with respect to The flea it’s very different. While in the French club the fans expect him to justify hiring him with goals, in the National Team his fans only thank him and recognize his desire to be part of the albiceleste teamalways with the hope that everything will lead to a coronation in Qatar 2022.

The Argentina will be measured on Tuesday before Ecuador as a visitor, with both already classified to the worldand then will play again on June 1, in London, when they meet Italy in the Finalissima on Wembley. Days later, he will have a friendly engagement in Europealthough his rival is not yet confirmed.

The Selection from Lionel Scallonianother of the applauded in The Bombonerathe Cup is already beating in qatar. It is worth remembering that April 1 the draw will be held that will define the conformation of the groups of the contest that will begin on November 21 and whose end will be held on December 18. La Scaloneta is already underway.


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This was the shocking reception of the Argentine public for Messi after the whistles at PSG