Salto Shopping Mall is experiencing one of its worst crises after the closure of bridges due to the pandemic | Daily Change

By Andrés Torterola.
To speak of the shopping promenade or popularly called “bagashopping” of Salto, is to refer to a multitude of people, many businesses and an incessant movement of merchants who offer their products at very good prices. Although the good prices continue, the rest is just a memory, very few people go to this attractive place in our city and those who do are not large consumers.
A local merchant named Roberto told CAMBIO that, although there is movement, people come to walk and there are very few who buy, if before the pandemic we were bad, today we are very bad, added the worker, you can feel the anxiety and moodiness of some traders, that is normal because each one has their problems, he added. It is true, in our tour of the gigantic property, we could see deserted places, uneasiness and nervousness. We tried to talk with several merchants, one of them told us that they did not need journalists or the media there, they needed economic reactivation, we fully understand the situation of merchants who have millionaire investments in merchandise, but they continue to stagnate ”.
Some merchants claim that “Bagashopping” began to work more than 30 years ago, at the time there were hundreds of sellers of the most varied merchandise, uncertainty of illegality and the vulnerability of living off smuggling. As a result of the coronavirus covid-19 in tourism week last year there was an order to close the famous bagashopping. The historic shopping mall in Salto numbered more than 400 commercial stalls and employed four thousand people. The Shopping Walk has not been able to recover, it is a shadow of what it was in other times of the flourishing Leap, of work and hope, these merchants also seek solutions.