Massive participation in university elections caused long waits in certain circuits | Daily Change

By Karina De Mattos.
A year and a half after the regulatory date, the University Elections were held in all the centers of the University of the Republic (Udelar), this democratic instance was postponed due to the health emergency and should have been held in August of last year. The instance will mandate the members who will head the General Assembly of the Cloister, the Assembly of the Faculty Cloister and the Faculty Council, in the order of students, teachers and graduates.
From the Electoral Court, those who served as organizers, did not take into account that a large part of the 306,315 students, teachers or university graduates who were called to the polls are not in Montevideo, so in the interior of the country the ranks and the waits were long. The director of Cenur Litoral Norte, Agronomist Pancracio Cánepa, expressed regarding the election day that “there were some circuits and difficulties due to the number of people who attended. On this occasion, some more premises were enabled, such as the premises of the former Post Office, the Medical Union and the Athenaeum. There was some circuit that was not very well integrated because all the teachers were together plus some students who are studying online from their places of residence, probably careers that are not here and who have come to vote in Salto ”, he said. Cánepa added that you could vote by mail, but more than anything people have attended in person.
Despite the waits and mishaps on election day, the director of CENUR Litoral Norte highlighted the importance of the democratic body: “It is always good that these participation bodies chosen by the members of the co-government of the University of the Republic are successful. In some circuits such as Medicine, the doctors expressed their discomfort at spending many hours waiting to vote and considered that there was a lack of organization on electoral day.