Court Prosecutor Juan Gómez confirmed to CAMBIO that the investigation will continue in Paysandú | Daily Change

By Alexander Ruppel
As we reported, the Prosecutors on Duty in Salto asked not to investigate a magistrate who was traveling in a vehicle driven by her partner on Nostalgia Night under the influence of alcohol. When she was detained, the person involved intimidated the police officers and traffic personnel to avoid the corresponding sanctions. This fact did not go unnoticed by the authorities or the Urban Mobility of the Intendancy of Salto, or the Police Headquarters, who raised the complaint to the Prosecutor’s Office. In the last hours, it was learned that the Salto prosecutors asked not to investigate the magistrate and to abstain from that process, which was accepted by the Court Prosecutor Dr. Juan Gómez.
In this sense, the Court Prosecutor and Attorney General of the Nation, Dr. Juan Gómez told CAMBIO that the abstention of the local Prosecutor’s Office is part of procedures that occur regularly throughout the country. “The issue itself is very simple, an investigation was initiated and the Salto prosecutors using a mechanism called abstention for reasons of delicacy and decorum, refrained from continuing in that investigation and the Court Prosecutor appointed a Prosecutor from another department to To continue with that investigation, it is not a strange case and it is not another case than the establishment of the law. Article 52 of the organic law of the Public Ministry 19,473 precisely provides that possibility for a Prosecutor, in this case all four, to abstain for reasons of delicacy and decorum, the delicacy lies in the fact that they are people who worked daily with the person in question that is being investigated, nothing more than that, “he said.
He added that “It is something that happens, every week we have abstention cases for different reasons. If, for example, you get on badly with someone who is about to be investigated, you cannot do that investigation with that person, or if you are friends with that person, it is a reason to abstain and that another Prosecutor who has no connection with the person in Question can carry out the investigation in accordance with the law, it is a normal, common case and I would tell you that weekly we are resolving abstentions of that nature, that makes a system transparent ”, he added.
Finally, he stated that the Paysandú Prosecutor’s Office will continue with the proceedings. “The Paysandú Prosecutor’s Office offers the system and the citizens the necessary objectivity, that is, it is not in the middle, it does not work with the person under investigation and it can carry out an investigation in order and without any kind of psychological or emotional motivations that can give anyone having to research someone they have to work with every day. I can assure you that the investigation continues in normal lanes ”.