UNANIME: Yoenlis Hernández won by beating and Cuba does not lose in the Boxing World Cup (+ VIDEO)

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October 26, 2021

By José Alejandro Rodríguez Zas

The Camagüeyan boxer Yoenlis Hernandez (38-12) debuted today in the 75 kg division of the World Boxing Championship with victory over Brazilian Wanderley pereira at the Stark Arena in Belgrade, Serbia.

The Agramontino achieved the triumph by unanimous decision of the judges of 5 × 0 and cards in his favor of 30-27, 30-27, 30-26, 29-28 and 30-27, thus achieving the fourth success in the same number of exits to the ring, for the Cuban boxing squad.

After this initial victory, Yoenlis will return to the ring on the day of this Friday 29, to face the Turkish Birol Augun (17-17) who was left bye in the round of 64 and it is expected that the Camagüey will overcome it without major setbacks.

First thing in the morning, the man from Matanzas Andy Cruz (132-8) debuted with an easy 5 × 0 victory against the inexperienced Panamanian fighter Jonathan Miniel (1-6) in the 63.5 kg division.

It may interest you: WORLDWIDE BOXING: Andy Cruz CRUSHED in his debut

Full swing will be monitoring the performance of the Cuban boxers in the event and you will have all the information in this link.

We want to say thanks to the writer of this write-up for this outstanding content

UNANIME: Yoenlis Hernández won by beating and Cuba does not lose in the Boxing World Cup (+ VIDEO)