THE LEAKS CONTINUE: 2 more players escape and go 11

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October 2, 2021

By Jerry Díaz / @ Jerryto94

The mass exodus between the ranks of the Cuba baseball team that participated in the U23 World Cup in Mexico it is unprecedented. On Saturday afternoon, the abandonment of the Havana pitcher Bryan Chi was known and at night the name of two more players was revealed.

Francys Romero on her Twitter account reported on the leak of Loidel Chapellí and Yandy yanes between five and six in the afternoon local time after arriving with the team at the hotel after losing in the match for third place in the tournament.

Sources: Two other players leave the Cuba hotel in Hermosillo. They are Loidel Chapellí Jr. (19) and Yandy Yanes (23), both from Camaguey. Exits go up to 11, almost 50% of payroll. Chapellí Jr. is one of the most sought after players by MLB scouts.

Both from Camagüey, Loidel is an outfielder with a performance in the last two National Series. He came to play the postseason with the Bulls in 2019-2020 when they were runners-up after beating Industriales in the Semifinal and losing to Matanzas in the Final. In those two seasons he left an offensive line of .305 / .419 / .434 (AVG / OBP / SLG) and is currently 19 years old.

Yanes accumulates four seasons in the Cuban league. The 23-year-old infielder had a slash line of .283 / .376 / .350 from his debut in 2017 until the last harvest in Cuba.

In this way, there are already 11 Cuban players who have decided to take an independent path from INDER and the Cuban authorities. Let’s take into account that 46% of the baseball players have escaped, who, according to the team director Eriel Sánchez, was formed taking into account “discipline and patriotism”.