LAST MINUTE: Yuli Gurriel SECURED another MULTIMILLIONAIRE year in Major League Baseball

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November 4, 2021

By Jerry Díaz / @ Jerryto94

Yuli gurriel had a spectacular 2021 in Major League Baseball. The 37-year-old veteran player was coming off a lousy campaign in 2020, just at the end of that year he signed a contract extension that assured him to play in 2021 with a team option in 2022.

The player himself announced on his social media accounts that the team informed him that he will exercise the option and that he will be with the Minute Maid Park team in the 2022 campaign.

The news is not surprising because a few days ago Jim Crane, General Manager of the Astros, stated that after winning the American League batting title and being nominated for the Gold Glove it did not seem like a difficult decision to make. Well, it’s official. The club’s option was $ 8 million.

Gurriel hit .317, leading all American League hitters in the 2021 season. Thus, he became the first Cuban to achieve such a feat in the last 50 years. Now Yuli will have a new opportunity to continue playing in MLB and fight a new contract with 38 years. The Spiritus native has never tasted free agency since signing with the Astros in 2016.

We wish to thank the author of this post for this incredible material

LAST MINUTE: Yuli Gurriel SECURED another MULTIMILLIONAIRE year in Major League Baseball