Cuba debuted with PALIZA, Santiago Torres IT WAS HIS HAND. Caribbean Cup summary

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June 27, 2021

Santiago de Cuba Wasps second baseman Santiago Torres made headlines on the first day of the third Caribbean Baseball Cup by compiling 5-of-5 in Cuba's 14x7 victory over Curaçao

By Andy Lans

The middleman of the Wasps of Santiago de Cuba Santiago Torres placeholder image made headlines on the first day of the third Caribbean Baseball Cup compiling 5-of-5 in Cuba’s 14 × 7 win over Curaçao.

The forward man of the ship commanded by the mentor Pablo Civil also hit a single, double, triple and home run to complete the ladder with a pair of brought to the home plate and three scored.

The Greater Island of the Antilles made eight lines in the first third of the match to guide the score. Something disappointing was the performance of the Avilanian starter Yander Guevara, who did not go beyond the second inning by receiving six hits in 11 official at-bats and tolerating four runs. The left-hander Naikel Cruz also suffered two touchdowns in 2.1 innings of work, but between Yadián Martínez, Jonathan Carbo and Pavel Hernández (the latter less dominant) they contained the curazaleños.

Other players with offensive prominence were Yoelkis Guilbert (2-of-5, 3B, CI, 2 CA), Pavel Quesada (3-of-5, 2 2B, CI, 3 CA), Jefferson Delgado (2-of-6, 2B, RBI, 2 CA) and Andrys Pérez (3-of-4, HR, 5 CI).