BREAKING: Cuban 3rd player left team in U-23 World Cup

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September 24, 2021

By Jerry Díaz / @ Jerryto94

The Cuban team that plays the Baseball World Cup for under-23s has not made its debut yet and already has three fewer members. Last Tuesday, September 21, Luis Danys Morales, from Spiritus, left the team as soon as he arrived at the airport. On the 23rd, it was known of the departure from the hotel of the Santiago pitcher Ubert Mejías and tonight the third member fled.

Loidel Rodriguez rode the bus to the stadium for the game that will mark the debut of the national team. As soon as he arrived at the Rodríguez stadium, he took a different course, according to Francys Romero in his social media accounts. Before, Pelota Cubana and Yordano Carmona warned about the event.

Sources: After multiple confirmations with people close to the team, C Loidel Rodríguez (22) left the Cuban team participating in the # U23WorldCup. Rodríguez got on the bus and is estimated to have left after arriving at the stadium. The colleague of @YordiMLB was in this.

Loidel is a receiver who played five National Series with the Gallos de Sancti Spíritus, participating even in the last postseason in which he batted 6-2.

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The year in which he received the most chances at bat was the last in which he took 116 appearances at bat. He posted an offensive line of .239 / .391 / .337 (AVG / OBP / SLG) with five extra-base hits and 13 RBIs according to statistics from the official Cuban baseball website.